There are various myths about giving birth to a caesarean that you may often hear, ranging from the notion that the woman who is undergoing it has not become a full mother, to babies born by cesarean section prone to disease. Before swallowing the myth whole, let's check the facts. The first thing that is important for you to believe is that you have a normal delivery or cesarean section, you are still a complete mother. In a number of conditions, such as breech babies, infants too large, twins more than 2, and the placenta under (placenta previa), caesarean delivery is even the best way for mothers and babies. Myths About Giving Birth to Caesar and the Facts Before thinking about anything about giving birth to a caesarean section, let's know the following myths and facts. 1. Caesarean section delays breastfeeding and "bonding time" with the baby This assumption is certainly not right, because during childbirth by caesarean section, there is a choice of anesth...